Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Scarlet Letter 2 Essay Research Paper free essay sample

The Scarlet Letter 2 Essay, Research Paper # 8220 ; The Scarlet Letter # 8221 ; Roger Chillinworth was one time a good Puritan who lived a good Puritan life and he was married to Hester Prynne. Then he went to go. When he came, alternatively of acquiring a good and warm welcome from his darling married woman he saw her standing on the town scaffold with a missive of shame on her thorax. He stood at that place, wholly wrecked and knew that his life as he knew it so far was all lost. Ever since Roger Chillingworth s bosom was broken and his life destroyed by Hester, he has deticated his life to avenge her and her fornicator, Dimmesdale. Bing unable to return to his normal and good life practically destroyed and as he revenged them he becomes a Satan ( Chillingworth: I have already told thee what I am! A monster! Who made me so? It was myself cried Hester, shuddering. We will write a custom essay sample on The Scarlet Letter 2 Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ) . That retaliation is what made him seek to forestall Dimmesdale from squealing in the last scaffold scene. The vermilion missive had hurt Hester every twenty-four hours and every minute a batch, so Chillingworth allow it make the avenge work entirely without interfering ( Hester: Why hast 1000 non avenged thyself on me? I have left thee to the vermilion missive replied Roger Chillingworth. ) . But for Dimmesdale he had a tungsten hole different program. He came back to town as a different individual with a different name. Now he was Roger Chillingworth ( We don t cognize his name before the first scaffold incident ) , a well-appreciated and educated doctor. He came to assist Dimmesdale, who was really ill. He became his close doctor and they became really close friends. But the truth was that Chillingworth was invariably look intoing Dimmesdale and making to the deepness of his bosom and prising his secrets and by that invariably aching him. Dimmesdale was hurt because he lived a life of prevarications. To the universe he was clergyman Dimmesdale # 8211 ; a wise adult male who was considered a saint, but in his bosom he knew a different image of himself, as a evildoer who is afraid to squeal. Throughout the narrative it is hinted that if he had confessed he would hold been relieved a long clip ago and would non hold been so ill. Chillingworth knew that, and he knew that if Dimmesdale confessed, all of his retaliation programs would non be affectional Dimmesdale would hold a clean scruples, or at least a better wellness. That is why in the last scaffold scene he tried to halt Dimmesdale from squealing his wickedness. Until the last minute in the narrative Chillingworth who became the Satan, tried to revenge his lost life.

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